Unlock the Power of ֍Turbo Reiki ֎
Super Charge Your Reiki Practice... Make it a Thousand Fold More Powerful...
Reiki Redefined with Sky Healing Frontiers™ (SHF)...

Why Turbo Reiki?....
The Result of any Reiki Healing Depends upon one's Karmic Blue print.. So With Turbo Reiki which utilizes the Karmic Cleansing benefits of Sky Healing Frontiers™ (SHF)(An Angelic Divine Healing Technique) we can Clear this Bottle neck in Healing and bring about Rapid and More powerful Turbo Charged healing in this Confluence Age and Spear Ahead into materializing a Golden Destiny with a Vision in the Coming Golden Age...

Progressive Karmic Cleansing
Be Free!...
Break Free from karmic bondage. Clear away negative karmic infatuations. Embrace a Happy & Blissful Life...
Divine Weath
Embrace the Light!...
Once The Karmic Baggage is significantly Cleared through the practice of SHF, Your vessel becomes empty, which will be filled with frontiers of divine wealth!...
Reiki & SHF Symbols
Turbo charge Any Reiki Symbol.....
Use SHF Symbols Along with Reiki to give them a New Golden Age Transcendental Dimension to Conventional Reiki Healing...

So, Exactly How Can Karma Be Cleared...
We are now living in the Confluence Age ... i.e. A period of Direct Transition From the Dark Age (Age of Kali)... to the Golden Age without having to get the world and every thing in it being destroyed and created again...
So, The whole Universe is akin to an highly advanced Computer System(Having Multidimensional Advanced Programs and higher dimensional variables).
The data churned out by these programs are The Karmic Impressions...
Each individual is a program with their own traits defined by the multidimensional algorithms contained and executed by their Chakras in their Energy field.
The only way the Earth Existed without getting destroyed is by clearing away the bugs and corrupt codes( heights of negative karma & underlying Demonic Vices in our society that makes this universe computer to crash)…
Such type of Reprogramming and Upgrading the underlying Operating System (Clearing Away of Karmic impressions) is only possible by the Divine Existence's Cosmic Super Intelligence...
I mentioned Upgrading the OS(Operating System) i.e. our Destiny and Life Purpose. This means that we infuse Divine Wealth into people by channeling SHF Healing Energy...
Sky Healing Frontiers (SHF) is a Divine Dispensation from the Master Divine Architect of this Universe... The keeper of the Codes of "Project Turiya" The Name that i have coined for the whole process of this "Transcendental Migration from The Dark Age to the Golden Age"
The Whole Architect Of SHF is Maha Avataar Babaji....
The Avatar of Time To Mend The Karmic Impressions And Bless us with Divine wealth Through SHF Healing to bring about Peace, Happiness, Bliss, Stability....
And of course to exist and Venture into the Golden Age with a vision to Propel Us & Help us Thrive in it....
Maha Avatar Babaji
Known is a drop unknown is an Ocean...
Buckle up to Explore The Unknown!...
Because the Miracle That SHF is Unfolds in the Domain Of The Unknown...
The Domain of Existence... The Domain of The Timeless Now...
Beyond Thoughts.. Where the Mind Does not Exist...
In Such a Space The Miracle Unfolds...
Your Karma is Redefined Infused with Divine Wealth...
Armed With a Vision to Earn A Passport to exist in this World
in The Golden Age....
How Exactly We Achieve the Above Through SHF...

SHF Angelic Healing
Your Divine Buddy!..
You Begin to clairvoyantly interact with SHF Angels as a siddhi through use of SHF symbols & Attunement.
Quantum Light
New Age Healing Energies!...
Get Initiated to new age healing energies like Quantum light & Shield, Nectar of Creation...
MahaAvatar Babaji
Sage of Sages!...
SHF healing energies channeled are the result of complete guidance, Blessing and Grace of my Guru Mahavatar Babaji!...

Dr. B Aswin Roshan P.hD (Reiki)
Founder - Visionary -
Project "Turiya" - Turbo Reiki™
Managing Director -
Third Eye Reiki Services™
Sky Healing Frontiers™
My soul agenda in this world is to channel vibrant powerful New Age healing energies that happen to manifest through me as a medium to divine dimensions of an alternate reality ( spiritual realms) that has the power to dissolve lower energies (fear, anger, etc.)And establish health, wealth, harmony, peace, gratitude, success, and universal divine love among the citizens of Our Planet Earth.
Founder of The Global Project "Turiya".
Computer Science Engineer, PhD in Reiki , Reiki Master Teacher, SHF Master, Magnified Healing Master, Auto drawing, Artist
Third Eye Reiki Services™ - www.reiki.ooo
Sky Healing Frontiers™- shf.reiki.ooo
Online Healing - i.reiki.ooo
Turbo Reiki™ - www.turboreiki.com
My online Art Gallery - Art.reiki.ooo

Dr. B Aswin Roshan PhD(Reiki)

Get in Touch
One of our team members will contact you shortly...

Turbo Reiki
Third Eye Reiki Services,
Sky Healing Frontiers,
Plot No. 49, Door no 7, 1st Flr, Second Cross,
Chandran nagar, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600044.
landmark- near venketeshwara hospital.
Mobile #: +91 9444342693
+91 9360528300 +91 9500026297
email: baswinroshan@gmail.com